Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Boehner Blasts Censorship of Chart

Last week, I posted a chart showing the bureaucratic labyrinth that will occur if the statists in Congress have thier way and vote in a National Health Care bill. It seems this has upset the statists so much that they have attempted to block Congressional Republicans from using the chart when communicating with their constituents. Watch the video below as Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) blasts the statists in their attempt to censor the truth from reaching the citizens.

Here is the text of his speech -

“Mr. Speaker, Democrats in Congress don’t want the American people to see this chart. This is the chart that outlines the Democrat proposal moving through the House of Representatives that contains as many as 53 new Federal programs, Agencies and Commissions. That’s right; they’re trying to restrict Members of Congress from showing this to their constituents. They say it’s misleading. Well, there’s nothing misleading about it. They just don’t want anyone to see it.
“Well, here it is. I’m using it. Are they going to turn out the lights, are they going to turn off the cameras? Why don’t they want the American people to see this?
“Well, I think the American people deserve the truth about the Democrats’ $1.6 trillion takeover of our of our health care system. More bureaucracy, more taxes, more mandates - and more government involvement in your life.
“And guess what? It also means less jobs for Americans. According to a model developed by the President’s own Council of Economic Advisors Chairperson, this proposal will cost Americans some 5.5 million jobs over the next 10 years; the National Federation of Independent Business says that at least a million small business jobs will be lost; and, even the Congressional Budget Office over the weekend made it clear that this will cost low-wage workers an opportunity to get a job.
“Listen, after the ‘stimulus’ didn’t work, most of my constituents are continuing to ask the question, ‘where are the jobs?’
“We have a ‘stimulus’ that’s not working, we have a national energy tax bill that came through here this month that will cost millions of Americans their jobs, and while this will ruin the health care system that we enjoy in America, let’s not forget, it will cost us millions of American jobs when most Americans continue to want to know, ‘where are the jobs?’”

I suggest anyone reading this call their Congressman - especially if they are a Democratic statist - and ask why they want to censor this chart.

For those who want to know what a statist is and why I use the term in labeling the Congressional Democrats, please read this definition -

stat·ism - n. The practice or doctrine of giving a centralized government control over economic planning and policy.

Is this not what the Democratic statists want to do - to take control over the economy. Please call your Congressman and Senators today. Be polite but remind them that they work for us and we do not want the government taking over our health care system.

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