Thursday, October 16, 2008

Meet Joe Wurzelbacher

Have you heard of Joe Wurzelbacher, or as he is now known, Joe the Plumber? I bet you a dollar to a donut that Senator Barack Hussein 0bama wished he never met him. Recently, while campaigning in Ohio and working the rope line; Senator Barack Hussein 0bama met Joe the Plumber. When Joe expressed his concern over Senator Barack Hussein 0bama’s tax plan, he received this reply –

"It’s not that I want to punish your success, I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance at success, too. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.”

Why didn’t Senator Barack Hussein 0bama just tell Joe “from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs” and then move on. That’s only twelve words compared to the forty-one words of bull he spieled out to Joe. However, this Joe is not your average Joe. Wait, that’s wrong. He is your average Joe. He is the common working man who gets up every morning, puts in an honest days work, and then comes home to take care of his son. Let me tell you a little bit about these average Joes.

These average Joe’s make up the majority of this great country. They are mechanics, plumbers, electricians, elevator repairmen, builders, construction workers, bricklayers – the men and women that build things, fix things that make this country work. I also include in this bunch the firemen, police officers, teachers, and military personnel that ensure our safety and take care of our children.

I have worked with leftists and listened to their disdain for the common working man. I have heard them talk down to waiters and waitresses. I hear them comment on how uneducated these people are, labeling them rednecks and other names I cannot write down less you are offended. Yet when someone breaks into their home, who do they call? These leftists are so smart yet they cannot replace a spark plug. However, America's working men and women understand what is happening to this country.

Mr. Wurzelbacher – Joe the Plumber – nails what Senator Barack Hussein 0bama wants to do to the working men and women of this country. Its socialism, plain and simple.

Let me explain it this way. You have a plumber –a single man – that makes 85,000 dollars a year and pays 28 percent in taxes. The government steals from him at the point of a gun 23,800 dollars. If you raise this working mans taxes by 3 percent – up to 31 percent – then the government is now stealing from this working man 26,350 dollars. Due to this 3 percent increase in taxes, this plumber is now unable to hire a helper. However, if you lower this plumbers taxes by 3 percent – from 28 to 25 percent, the government now steals from this worker 21,250 dollars. Now, the plumber can hire a helper at 35,000 a year. At 22 percent, the government steals from the helper 7,700 dollars. Combined, the government is now taking in 28,950, an increase of 2,600 dollars from the 26,350 the government steals from the single plumber taxing him at 31 percent. Multiplied by millions of workers and businesses and the federal government actually takes in more money by lowering taxes then by raising taxes. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

When the government raises taxes, people spend less. The less people spend – at stores, restaurants, services – less people are hired. Less money goes into the economy. I understand this. Joe the Plumber understands this. Why can’t leftists understand this? The dirty secret is that they do understand this. It is not about raising money or even redistributing wealth. It is about control! It is socialism! I know this and so do Joe the Plumber!

Many of you know dozens of Joe Wurzelbacher’s. Some of you are a Joe Wurzelbacher. Why should you or any Joe Wurzelbacher be punished for working hard. Come this November, you have the choice of punishing the Joe Wurzelbacher’s of this country or give him a break. Do not punish the working man by voting for Senator Barack Hussein 0bama. If you agree with this, pass it on. If not, delete it and then go vote your freedom away.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Am I A Racist?

Am I a racist? Is this blog a hate site? Well, that is the assessment of the only person that has commented on some of my posts. Moreover, why these charges against me? It stems from my usage of Senator Barack Hussein Obama’s middle name. As the commenter mentioned –

Attempting to drive home the point about Obama's middle name does not help your case for not being racist. Why? It's just a middle name, sure. But why do you use it? The same reason many GOP surrogates use it. To drive home to all the redneck idiots "he is not one of us" (e.g., he is not a white person with Christian ancestors). I don't fear any man simply because his middle name is "Hussein" but many ignorant folks out there do. When you intentionally use "Hussein" in the context you are using it to call attention to Obama's difference in background, which since he is Christian, is largely based around ethnicity. Or you're trying to link him by association to the deceased Iraqi despot Saddam Hussein. Either way, it's a thinly veiled attempt at fear mongering, it's silly, it's childish and a waste of cyberspace. You're too well read to bother with that nonsense.
So by using his middle name I am driving “home to all the redneck idiots "he is not one of us" (e.g., he is not a white person with Christian ancestors).” I guess these “redneck idiots” need someone like me to remind them that Barack Hussein Obama is black because they are unable to turn on a television and see it for themselves. For the record, barrack Hussein Obama not only has Christian ancestors but also has Muslim ancestors. I hope that statement was not too racist!

Maybe I am a racist because I dare to mention
Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Rev. Wright is a black minister who used to preach at the Trinity United Church of Christ. I implore you to follow the two links and read about Rev. Wright and the Trinity United Church of Christ. You should also read more about Black Liberation Theology, which is more Marxist than Christian. I must be a racist because I am not just talking about two black men but I am making charges that these two black men are bad for the United States. Therefore, I must be saying that the United States should not have any black politicians.

On the other hand, maybe I am racist because I try to let citizens know that Barack Hussein Obama – there I go again – has connections to two homegrown terrorists. These two terrorists are
William Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn. I have mentioned these two in previous posts. Now think about this. Remember Timothy McVeigh? Remember Eric Robert Rudolph? McVeigh was the monster who bombed the Federal building in Oklahoma City. Rudolph is the monster who committed a series of bombings that killed two people and injured 150 others. Can someone please tell me the difference between Ayers and Dorhn and McVeigh and Rudolph? Let me explain the difference – the first two are to the left ideologically while the media label the last two as right-wing nuts. All four are monsters. Yet, Ayers and Dorhn are darlings of the left. In fact, can someone please tell me the difference between William Ayers and Wesley Queen?

Maybe I am racist because I mention the connection between
Franklin Raines and Senator Barack Hussein Obama. Is it because Franklin Raines is black? What if I mention ex Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson and Senator Obama; does that make me a racist? What if I bring up ACORN? Alternatively, if I mention Odinga? Or if I raise the subject of Saul Alinsky? Let me answer the question of why I am racist.

I am a racist because I dare to criticize a liberal black politician. I can criticize former Lt. Governor Michael Steele, Justice Clarence Thomas, Economist Walter Williams, author Thomas Sowell, or former ambassador Alan Keyes 24/7/365 and no one would bat an eye. Why? Because all these prominent black men are conservative Republicans. Lt. Governor Michael Steele had
Oreo cookies tossed at him during his run for the Maryland Senate seat. The magazine Emerge depicts Justice Clarence Thomas as a lawn jockey on its cover. Police handcuff Alan Keyes and lead him away from a television studio, releasing him in a deserted part of town. Nevertheless, all that is permissible because they are black Republicans.

The race card is the act of a coward. It is used to silence the critics of liberal black leaders. Moreover, all too often, Republicans allow themselves to be silenced. Well, it is time to stop this nonsense. The Obama campaign and the leftist media label me a racist – and others – not only because we dare criticize him but we do not plan on voting for him. This is a despicable act of pulling the race card.

I use the full name for Senator Barack Hussein Obama solely because the left does not want me to. It may be childish but it is not racist. That is his name. Either live with it or change it. But no one has the right to tell me what I can or cannot say – be they Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative. If I allow others to control what I can say with something as innocuous as a name, than it opens the floodgates as to what else I can speak out against or allowed to say. I did not spend eighteen years in the United States Navy so I can have a Chicago Marxist thug – yes I said it – tell me what I can or cannot say.

I’ll say this again – Barack Hussein Obama is bad for this country. All anyone has to do is look and listen. I urge you to have the courage to tell the truth about this man. Do not let anyone still your voice. You are not a racist if you criticize this man or any man or woman, regardless of their skin color. Have courage. Stand up for your country and ignore the race card.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Is It Worth It?

I got some questions for all those I transmit to. Am I wasting my time? Is anyone reading what I am sending? Is any of it being forwarded on to others? Please respond to me - - and let me know.
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