Saturday, November 1, 2008

A quick post this Saturday night. I saw this last week and wanted to post it earlier. However, with Senator Barack Hussein Obama, it is something new every day. Watch the below video:

Please, anyone reading this and is an Obama supporter, can you tell me what he means by this? Why does the national news media not discuss this? Combine this with Senator Biden's warning concerning an international crisis that the citizens will not be happy with how their administration will contain it and you can come up with some scary scenarios. Why exactly is Obama calling for another national security force?

This video begins that this is what Hitler did. That is true but it is not just contained to Hitler. You examine every country that swung over to a Socialistic totalitarian state. Those in charge always had a secret police force.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Do You Know Senator Obama?

One week to go. One more week and I want to ask you what you know about Senator Barack Hussein Obama. Let me ask three questions that are popping up on the internet.

Is Senator Obama a United States citizen? What a stupid question, you are saying to yourself. Of course, he is a citizen, you say. He was born in Hawaii and Hawaii is a state. I ask the question because the Illinois senator will not release his
birth certificate. It’s a simple request and a simple act. Senator John Sydney McCain has released his birth certificate. All you have to do is go to the government office that keeps your birth certificate in the county you were born, make the request, pay a small fee, and usually within five minutes, you have your birth certificate. In fact, in order to get a drivers license or an international passport, you have to show your birth certificate. You can even request a copy of your birth certificate through the mail, which my wife did when we got married. My wife was even able to obtain the birth certificate of her father after he passed away. So I ask the question – why doesn’t Senator Obama show us – the citizens – his birth certificate? And why is his birth certificate sealed so that nobody can look at it.

How healthy is Senator Obama? Senator McCain has released his medical records, over two thousand pages. We do know a little about his medical history. He has had some minor skin cancer removed from his face. Of course, there is the matter of his broken bones and his arms pulled out of their sockets due to him being tortured while a POW at the Hanoi Hilton. A fact the Obama campaign knows of but they still make jest of his inability to do simple things with his hands and arms such as use a computer. However, what do we know of Senator Obama? Nothing really because all he has released is a
one page summary of his medical history. Now, if you have been paying attention, you should also know a little about Obama’s medical history. One – he is a smoker. How are his lungs and is he at risk of cancer? Two – by his own admission, he is a past drug user. Cocaine and marijuana – again by his own admission. How has these drugs affected his health?

Who is
Rashid Khalidi and what is his connection to Senator Obama? Well, if you look him up using Wikipedia, you will find that he is just a misunderstood university professor. If that is so, then why is the L.A. Times not releasing a video of Senator Obama toasting and praising Khalidi? During this toast, the terrorist William Ayers was present. You remember Ayers, the former Weather Underground terrorist that bombed the Pentagon and police stations, now a college professor. Again, we have another questionable friend of Senator Obama’s.

There are numerous questions concerning Senator Barack Hussein Obama. I provided some links above but I urge you to do research on your own. Do not vote from ignorance. Remember – the individual you put in office has the ability to assign people in government positions that will affect you, your children, your grandchildren, and your nation for generations.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wealth Redistribution

In eight days, the citizens of this great nation will elect a new President. It’s crunch time. I suppose by now the majority of people have made their decision and chosen their candidate. I will vote for Senator John Sydney McCain. If anyone plans to vote for Senator Barack Hussein Obama, I really would like to hear your particular reason why.

I have many reasons why I am voting for Senator McCain, one being voting against Senator Obama. As to why I am against Senator Obama – aside that I am racist white male – I have many reasons to vote against him. One reason is that Senator Obama is for wealth redistribution or socialism. What makes me say this? Well, let’s listen again to Joe the Plumber ask Senator Obama what his plans are if he becomes President.

What is socialism?

A theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
(In Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

Look at this video of Senator Barack Hussein Obama from 2001.

Now, many of you have seen these videos and the media as well as Obama supporters have defended and spun his reply. The media and Obama supporters have even gone as far as to investigate Joe the Plumber’s background – illegally using Ohio government computers in doing so. The Obama campaign even objects at the labels of socialism and Marxist. Nevertheless, you have listened to the video. You tell me what Senator Obama wants to do.

Just remember, wealth redistribution is only part of what Senator Obama wants because in order to redistribute anything, it must first be confiscated and controlled. That’s right! To make it simple, if you make 100,000 dollars a year and another person makes 15,000 a year, in order to rise the latter is income, how much of your income must be confiscated? Moreover, don’t think that the government will take enough from you so that both of you make the same. Remember, the government is like the mob – they take their cut!

Read the definition of socialism again. Wealth redistribution is not just your income. It is what you own – your home, your property, your community. Even your retirement. The Democrats have plans for your 401(k). Just follow the
401(k) link and this link as well.

Now, do I have your attention?

There are eight days left in this election. You need to look at history and the outcomes of other nations to see what happens when the government takes over. You need to study the results and consequences of socialism.

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