Monday, October 27, 2008

Wealth Redistribution

In eight days, the citizens of this great nation will elect a new President. It’s crunch time. I suppose by now the majority of people have made their decision and chosen their candidate. I will vote for Senator John Sydney McCain. If anyone plans to vote for Senator Barack Hussein Obama, I really would like to hear your particular reason why.

I have many reasons why I am voting for Senator McCain, one being voting against Senator Obama. As to why I am against Senator Obama – aside that I am racist white male – I have many reasons to vote against him. One reason is that Senator Obama is for wealth redistribution or socialism. What makes me say this? Well, let’s listen again to Joe the Plumber ask Senator Obama what his plans are if he becomes President.

What is socialism?

A theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
(In Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

Look at this video of Senator Barack Hussein Obama from 2001.

Now, many of you have seen these videos and the media as well as Obama supporters have defended and spun his reply. The media and Obama supporters have even gone as far as to investigate Joe the Plumber’s background – illegally using Ohio government computers in doing so. The Obama campaign even objects at the labels of socialism and Marxist. Nevertheless, you have listened to the video. You tell me what Senator Obama wants to do.

Just remember, wealth redistribution is only part of what Senator Obama wants because in order to redistribute anything, it must first be confiscated and controlled. That’s right! To make it simple, if you make 100,000 dollars a year and another person makes 15,000 a year, in order to rise the latter is income, how much of your income must be confiscated? Moreover, don’t think that the government will take enough from you so that both of you make the same. Remember, the government is like the mob – they take their cut!

Read the definition of socialism again. Wealth redistribution is not just your income. It is what you own – your home, your property, your community. Even your retirement. The Democrats have plans for your 401(k). Just follow the
401(k) link and this link as well.

Now, do I have your attention?

There are eight days left in this election. You need to look at history and the outcomes of other nations to see what happens when the government takes over. You need to study the results and consequences of socialism.


Anonymous said...

Well if you're voting for McCain because you're a "racist white male" I guess I must be voting for Obama because I'm a crazy radical marxist sodomite who hates the country. Or maybe it's just good old liberal white guilt? Hard to tell these days. Anyway, I've articulated my reasons on enough occasions that I know when they'll fall on deaf ears so I won't bother here.

Instead, I would like to point out that McCain essentially feels the same as Obama. It's just easier for him to join the sound bite world and keep pointing and yelling "socialist!" Here's what McCain said in an interview in 2000 (since we're using our political time machine). A woman asked McCain why her dad (a doctor) should be penalized by being in a higher tax bracket. McCain's response: "wealthy people can afford more" and went on with "the very wealthy, because they can afford tax lawyers and all kinds of loopholes, really don't pay nearly as much as you think they do."

When she followed up and likened it to "socialism," McCain said: "Here’s what I really believe: That when you reach a certain level of comfort, there’s nothing wrong with paying somewhat more."

Basically the same thing that Obama is saying now and the exact same thing the other side has been hammering him over. What is McCain's plan? Cut taxes and see if we can make the federal debt hit 20 trillion by 2012? He's not going to get it done, all this talk of cutting spending will go out the window. Bush, a supposed "fiscal conservative" doubled the debt during his presidency and is currently running a deficit of over a half trillion dollars. So what do you think McCain, an enemy of conservatism for a number of years is going to do? Numerous non-partisan organizations looking at tax and spending plans for Obama and McCain say the proposed spending is about the same. Really the only difference is that under McCain the wealthy pay less and the middle class pay more, whereas under Obama the wealthy pay more and the middle class pay less. In both cases the bottom doesn't pay anything.

The most vindicating aspect to me is that I know personally that you have relatively little respect or appreciation for McCain - aside from his military service to his country. Even that you conceded was almost laughable as he clearly didn't take it seriously - son of an admiral and graduating near the bottom of his class, crashing numerous planes, before eventually being captured by the enemy. I thank John McCain for serving his country, and I might have considered voting for the more moderate McCain of yore but I don't even think he knows what he believes in these days because he's sprinting between his old populism and his core base.

After spending a few months listening to bits of Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Glenn Beck, and Chris Plant I find it very sad that not once - not one time - did I ever hear them say anything positive about John McCain (although they do speak highly of Sarah Palin). The only thing they're interested in is smearing Obama with half-truths and presenting opinion as fact. Well, these are the guys that thought (and in some cases, continue to think) that Bush was great, and look how that turned out. Even the most die-hard conservatives I know are lukewarm on his presidency (you're probably the most favorable). Most Obama supporters hold no illusions of him being some sort of coming of Christ, but we're hoping he can turn things around and maintain our preeminent position as a world leader. At the very least his campaign - a dark horse coming from nowhere to derail the gargantuan Clinton machine seen as a lock for the nomination and probably the presidency - is a tribute to his organizational skills. Blame the media all you want, people make up their own minds and most of the smart ones do their own research.

I'm voting Obama for president. I'll probably vote Warner for governer of Virginia. As for the other races I'm looking at the candidates and leaning slightly right (or third party) because I agree that vesting power in both branches of government (executive and legislative) in one party is generally a bad idea. That and the democrats have accomplished nothing since their election in 2006 (with the republicans accomplishing nothing before them).

Well, all done here. I'd better be off, plans for tonight are burning an American flag, sending funds to Al Quaeda, and tuning in to the Obamamania drive-by liberal media.

Steve said...

I’m not getting into a point-by-point discussion with you even though when I read your stuff, I have to shake my head. Let’s not kid ourselves – neither of us will change the other’s mind. We can go back and forth with sound bites and clips, attempting to justify each other’s point by pointing at the past actions of the candidate we dislike. Yeah, you’re right that I have voiced my displeasure with Senator John Sydney McCain and to be completely honest with you, I am actually ashamed of some of the things I have said about him. My respect for Senator McCain and his character has changed, based mainly that much of what I heard about him were lies. That I participated in spreading certain these lies shame me. Yet I challenge you to find a sound bite, quote, or anything from McCain stating that the United States is a bad country. I – on the other hand – can provide you with numerous recordings, video, and quotes where Senator Barack Hussein Obama, his wife, and his associates, continually talk down this nation. In my mind, if you support the man, then you support his belief system. Therefore, I can only conclude that you – and people like you – dislike your own country.

One –Joe the Plumber, an average citizen, asks Obama a question and he lets the cat out of the bag with his spread the wealth comment. As it gets airplay, what is the response of the Obama campaign? They attack the common working man. Two – a reporter in Florida asks Senator Biden some hard questions. What is the response? He insinuates her as a right-wing nut; they investigate her background, and drag her husband through the mud claiming he is a Republican and wrote her questions.

Therefore, I take it you want these types people in power. You stated before you were supporting Obama because of his alleged support of gay rights and marriage. What a joke! When is the last time you heard he or anyone connected with his campaign discussing that subject? Moreover, how do you want him to solve what you see as an injustice? Through judicial fiat? Look throughout the country – as of this writing, wherever Gay Marriage is on a ballot, it has been soundly defeated.

I have some questions for you. What happens if Obama wins and they shelf their gay rights plans? Are you going to write letters to him and your Senators? Are you going to criticize that decision? Are you ready for any investigation into your past? What about my blog? I suppose it would not make you miss any sleep if they shut me down because I criticize my own government. I suppose you could live with the government shutting down all the conservative talk shows. Free speech for some but not for others.

We will see what happens next Tuesday. Let me leave you with another question. If I make a t-shirt that states OBAMA IS A MARXIST, would you support an Obama administration investigating my wife and me? One last thing – Mark Warner is running for the Senate, not for the Governorship. He is a former governor. I’m happy to see you do your own research and can make up your own mind without help from outside sources.

Anonymous said...

Mark Warner is running for US Senator, yes. Just a typo that I wrote governor - probably due to his former governorship as you noted. OMG, I gaffed! lolz

First off, I'm not sure where you're getting that gay marriage is my #1 issue, or even in my top ten. With apologies to the gay community, of all the things to worry about in these times I think gay marriage is pretty much the last thing the country as a whole should be concerned over. Yes, it's an unfortunate violation of civil rights - but unlike blacks in the 60s, gays (mostly) aren't getting lynched en masse and being segregated from society. They can wait a little while longer for the country to come around and be fair to all its people. At the very least they have one refuge (MA) if it's that personally significant.

I'm not even gay, I just think it's idiotic that they get treated differently. Science has PROVEN that sexual orientation is not a lifestyle choice but influenced by intrinsic genetic traits. I guess black people shouldn't be allowed to vote either, right? Maybe disabled people shouldn't be allowed to raise children? The only people who forfeit some basic human rights are convicted felons who only lose the right to vote.

If the church doesn't want to call it "marriage" that's fine, it's at their discretion to do so. The government should have no say in what the church does (provided it's not illegal). But the unalienable rights of all people must be equal in the eyes of the LAW. Time has shown that eventually we learn to set our prejudices aside and move forward for the betterment of society.

However, all that aside the Obama/Biden ticket is exactly the same as McCain/Palin ticket on the issue - "we don't hate gay people but no equal treatment." Why would I vote for Obama based on this issue?

And for what it's worth can you imagine the outcry if you substitue any other group of people for "gay" in the above sentence? White, black, asian, jewish, christian, etc. No rational person would ever tolerate that.

Actually I wrote Obama's campaign several months ago - before the primaries even concluded. I told him that I did not like his plan for social security and cited other things I disagreed with him on. I urged him to reconsider his positions, though understanding it was probably futile. No one's knocked on my door in the middle of the night to whisk me away. No one's investigated my past or put out a societal hit on me. I haven't even received a nasty email, though they do send me emails asking me for money.

The biggest irony to me is that you support warrantless wiretapping and surveillance of American citizens enacted by your boy President Bush - yet NOW you're paranoid the government is watching you and what you say. Don't worry, when the Obamapolice come for you I'll put in a good word. You love Big Brother.

Steve said...

Sorry. You don't get off that easy. When I asked you months ago why you were supporting Obama, the very first thing you mentioned was his support for gay rights. And please, stop using that stupid race/civil rights card crap! I'll say what I want, when I want!

And speaking of crap, let's cut through it. The number one issue that should concern all of us is this war against Islamic fanatics. Health care, gay rights, the economy - everything - don't mean crap when people are dead.

Please crack open a book or two and read a bit concerning the civil rights movement, socialism, facism, and which political party led the way for civil rights and which political party stood in the way.

I've seen this crap before with Jimmy Carter. The economy was really in the dumper. What's happening now is nothing compared to the late 70's. We'll see what happens Tuesday night. If your guy wins, I'll be telling you I told you say a year from now.

Anonymous said...

It's very disappointing to me that as much as you profess to encourage reading and self-education you can't follow the instruction yourself. You wrote:

"And speaking of crap, let's cut through it. The number one issue that should concern all of us is this war against Islamic fanatics. Health care, gay rights, the economy - everything - don't mean crap when people are dead."

While before that I wrote exactly:

"With apologies to the gay community, of all the things to worry about in these times I think gay marriage is pretty much the last thing the country as a whole should be concerned over."

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, as I've noticed such a recurring pattern in the response to commentary on this blog. I comment, you react as though I'm representing the opposite position. It makes for a very non-sensical discussion.

You went on to write: "And please, stop using that stupid race/civil rights card crap!"

So by stating that persons with inherent genetic differences should still be treated equally I'm "using that stupid race/civil rights card crap?" Now we're getting to how you really feel. I'm well aware the Republican party was originally the champion of civil rights. Here's a cookie. Yet you wonder why most minorities don't wish to be part of the party now? Here's a hint:

There are literally hundreds of these videos all over the web and I promise you they didn't come from the MSM.

Yes there's some spin, but the people and their words are real. Play Reverend Wright all you want, he doesn't even sniff the campaign anymore and doesn't represent anyone but a very minute portion of the coalition supporting Obama.

Don't worry, there's a good chance "my guy" won't win on election day. Early voters in states such as West Virginia and Kentucky are already reporting that when they punch the ticket for Obama it's coming up as a McCain vote. At this point the popular rebuttal would be "Acorn! Acorn!" The nasty organization so vile that John McCain spoke at their summit in 2006 and praised their efforts. And who is obligated by law to turn in all voter registrations, regardless of whether they believe some of the information to be falsified. Those Dallas Cowboys will most assuredly not be showing up at the polls in Nevada to vote, but some voting machines recording the wrong vote, that's a huge deal. I also think all the conservative pundits are probably correct - the polls are inflated. And even if they aren't, history has shown that polls mean relatively little. If Obama does get elected, there's a pretty reasonable chance he'll be assassinated. Which you condone such a move at this point? Can even you justify it? To rob two little girls of their father? I would never wish assassination upon McCain or Bush.

Even if he does win, nothing he ever does will ever convince you he's even a decent president. The pundits you get your talking points from will slam his every move - and no, they won't be taken off the air despite their panic over the mentioned reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine which you alluded to previously. Honestly, Obama could probably rid the world of radical Islam, erase the national debt, wean America off foreign oil and get all the bunnies and squirrels of the world together to sing "God Bless America" and still you would malign the guy.

And if you're so interested in handing out "I told you so," then here's a GIANT "I told you so" for the last eight years no thanks to voters like you. Let's both hope as American citizens that whomever is elected president works to the best of his abilities to make the nation a better place. You're free to criticize his actions all you want. Rooting against the guy in office helps no one (this goes for anyone who WANTED Bush to fail as well) and regardless of who is elected president I don't relish in the thought of that person screwing up. High school is long past all of us and there's too much at stake.

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