Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A short entry for today.

First subject - the election is two weeks away and you have to get out and vote for John McCain. Also, don’t forget to vote for the Republican running in the Senate and Congressional races. Lt. Col. Allen West is running in Florida’s 22nd Congressional District. Andy Harris is running in Maryland’s 1st Congressional District. Michele Bachmann is running a tough re-election race in Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District and is targeted by the Democrat Party in a smear campaign. Collins Bailey is running a tough race in Maryland’s 5th Congressional District. And Lt. Col. Bill Russell is running in Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District against the detestable John Murtha. Remember him? He accused our Marines of murder for their actions in Haditha, Iraq. Well, the Marine Corps have acquitted all involved Marines. These people need your help. If you have an extra five to twenty-five dollars, please send it to them. Just remember, the money you spend now on the right candidates may possibly save you from paying more in taxes in the future.

Second subject – I blogged last week about Joe the Plumber. Well, it seems after Joe asked Senator Barack Hussein Obama a question; life has been pretty hard for him. The Obama campaign and the Democrat Party have made it all but impossible for Joe to work by sicking Union goons on him. They have dug into his personal life – his work experience, his finances, and even dug out his divorce history. The points you need to remember is not whether Joe has a plumbers license, whether he owes taxes or not, or even anything about his ex-wife. The first point is the answer Senator Obama gave him – "It’s not that I want to punish your success, I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance at success, too. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.”

The second point is what has happened to Joe since he asked his question. The media and the Democrat Party have dug into his life in an effort to shut him up and intimidate him. The message is the Democrat Party and the lapdog media will attempt to destroy you f you dare question a Democrat.

Well folks – in two weeks it is our turn to say something to them! Don’t let Joe the Plumber be destroyed. Don’t let the Obama campaign relegate this wonderful and powerful nation into a Socialist, second-rate country. Stand up, vote for John McCain, and tell the Democrats that this is the United States of America and we reject socialism!

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