Monday, August 25, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama Supports Murder!

Jill Stanek. The Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act. Barack Hussein Obama. What do these three have in common?

Jill Stanek is a pro-life advocate and worked as a nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois. You can read more of how she got involved in the pro-life movement here. Jill Stanek discovered after about a year of working on this hospital in the Labor and Delivery Department that this hospital performed abortions. But not just regular abortions, which is bad enough. This hospital practiced induced labor abortions, also known as "live birth abortion," where doctors prematurely deliver a baby with the intent of the baby dying during the birth process or soon afterward. Do you support this?
The Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act (BAIPA) states -

“…that any baby that has been born alive is to be legally considered a person. As such, she or he would automatically be granted full protection under the U.S. Constitution. Other existing laws require that newborns must receive medical attention as needed. Killing a born-alive infant would be considered murder.”
Now that we know who Jill Stanek is and what the BAIPA is, what connects this individual and the BAIPA to Barack Hussein Obama? This bill was introduced to the Illinois State Senate three times – 2001: Senate Bill 1095 (4), Born Alive Infant Protection Act, 2002: Senate Bill 1662 ( 9 ), Born Alive Infant Protection Act, 2003: Senate Bill 1082 (13), Born Alive Infant Protection Act. One man in the Illinois State Senate killed this bill each time. That man was Barack Hussein Obama.

This man – Barack Hussein Obama – voted three times against a bill that would allow babies born during a botched abortion to remain alive. Ladies and gentlemen – that is murder.

Recently, Pastor Rick Warren asked Barack Hussein Obama this question - "At what point does a baby get human rights, in your view?"

Below is Senator Obama’s answer –
"Well, I think that whether you are looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade."
So let me get this straight. Senator Obama has two daughters and yet he does not know when they obtained their basic human rights. The answer to this question is simple because the required answer is based on personal opinion. The answer could be debatable but there was no right or wrong answer.

Later, David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network interviewed Senator Obama and asked him why the Senator voted no to BAIPA, which was exactly identical to the federal BAIPA, unanimously passed by the United States Senate. The Senator’s response to David Brody’s question was –

"They have not been telling the truth. And I hate to say that people are lying, but here's a situation where folks are lying."

Yet, twenty-four hours later the Senator’s campaign admitted that the Senator had “misrepresented” his position. You can read more here.

I have presented the facts fast and furious and provided some links. If you want to find out more concerning this topic, a quick Google search of Jill Stanek, the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, Rick Warren, and David Brody, will provide you more than enough information. If this does not bother you than there is nothing anyone can say or do and I have pity for your soul. The questions you need to ask yourself is do you believe Senator Barack Hussein Obama? Do you want this man to be in charge of the nation’s health care? Can you trust this man as President of the United States?

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