Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What is conservatism?

Mark Levin provides the best explanation of conservative values and you can listen to him by clicking this link. The link provides an audio file and the transcript, if you cannot hear the audio file.

Being a conservative not only demands a belief in God but also the belief that it is God – not man – that bestows natural rights on mankind. Being a conservative means you believe that only God is supreme, not the government.

Now, after either listening to Mark Levin talk about conservatism or reading the difference between conservatism and liberalism, you need to examine your own beliefs. Do you believe in the individual or the collective? When it comes to charity, would you rather have yourself or your church hand out charity or do you want a faceless bureaucracy forcibly taking your money and handing it out? When you fall on hard times, would you rather depend on your family to help you or on the government? Do you believe in the fundamental principles of the
Declaration of Independence? Do you believe in the United States Constitution?

After examining your belief system and you can safely claim to be a conservative, you need to think about your elected representatives – from the local level to the national level. Does your Representative or Senator share your beliefs? How about your state representative? How about the members of your local school board?

The most important election of your life will occur this November. You need to be honest with yourself. If your elected representative does not share your conservative values, than you have a duty to remove that person from office.

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