Monday, June 16, 2008

A Conservative Quandary

I find myself in a quandary that I have not experienced since the 1976 Presidential election. In that year, I had to choose to vote for either Gerald Ford or James Carter. I did not vote because I thought that neither was worthy to be President. This election cycle, our choices are Republican Senator John McCain or liberal Democrat Senator Barack Hussein Obama. Neither of these two are worthy of being President of the United States.

Leading up to the 1976 November election, I was not as knowledgeable of politics as I am today. I was not aware of President Ford’s
gaffe in his second debate with challenger Jimmy Carter, but I had seen and heard enough of him during his short term as President and I was not impressed. I was also not impressed with former governor James Carter; his lustful heart, his wanting to pardon all Vietnam draft dodgers, and his general born-again smarminess and holier-than-thou persona. So when the November election rolled around, I did not vote.

Since that time, I proudly voted in every Presidential election. I voted proudly for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984 because I admired his love of this country, his praise for liberty and freedom, and his forceful manner. In 1988, I voted proudly for George H.W. Bush, because of job security and, like so many others, I believed him when he promised no new taxes. After he betrayed his promise, I considered him another Gerald Ford and thus in 1992; I joined the 19 percent who voted for Ross Perot, unfortunately handing the Presidency to Bill Clinton. I voted for Bob Dole in 1996, knowing he was not a staunch conservative but I also knew he was a decent man who loved his country, unlike Bill Clinton. In 2000, I voted for George W. Bush and after September 11, 2001, I – along with millions of American citizens – was glad he was the president. Because he decided to take the fight to the terrorists, I proudly voted for him in 2004. Now, in 2008, I am quickly realizing that I may not vote for either of the two candidates in this election.

The decision to not vote for Barack Hussein Obama is easy. It is not because he is a Democrat. It is because he is an American hating Marxist. Too harsh? Check out some of his friends -
William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Michael Pfleger, Eric Holder, James A. Johnson, Tony Rezko. Check out a glimpse of his beliefs of what he really believes concerning the American voter, - “It’s not surprising that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigration sentiment or anti-trade sentiment.” Check out whether he believes in American Individualism or Marxist Collectivism from his recent commencement address – “It’s because you have an obligation to yourself. Because our individual salvation depends on collective salvation. Because thinking only about yourself, fulfilling your immediate wants and needs, betrays a poverty of ambition. Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential and discover the role you’ll play in writing the next great chapter in America’s story.” Moreover, what is his opinion of the peaceful transfer of power, from one administration to another? During a Philadelphia Inquirer interview when asked if he "would aggressively go after and investigate whether crimes have been committed,” this is what Obama had to say –“… if crimes have been committed, they should be investigated.” If that statement is vague, Obama’s own website clarifies this issue – “…and to hold accountable any perpetrators of potential war crimes.”

I have not yet decided whether I will vote for Senator John McCain. Even though he is a Republican, he is not a conservative. In fact, he continually goes out of his way to
insult and distance himself from conservatives, never passing by a moment to stick a thumb in our collective eye. His propensity for “straight talk” is nothing but a sham. His defenders attempt to persuade conservatives to vote for him by making various statements that they believe will convince us to vote for him.

Senator McCain tells conservatives he will continue the War on Terror after President Bush leaves office. However, his stance
concerning holding the extreme terrorists at GITMO is no different from the Democrats. John McCain wants to bring the terrorists from GITMO, place them in the United States, and give them full Constitutional rights and try them in our courts. Only because he believes it makes the United States look bad throughout the world. Never mind the fact that we are involved in a war and not a criminal action. He would rather have classified information released into the public record than offend the French.

Senator McCain tells us he is Pro-Life. Yet he supports
embryonic stem-cell research. Listen to what Terence P. Jeffrey has to say concerning John McCain’s alleged pro-life stance. Whether it is McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Lieberman, or his gang of fourteen, his political positions adhere more to liberals than to conservatives. He has proved he can work with liberal Democrats. However, he has yet to prove he can work with conservatives.

Therefore, this is my predicament – whether to vote against Senator Barack Hussein Obama or stay home. Notice, I did not say vote for Senator John McCain. Because when I vote, I am voting for someone or something. John McCain and his supporters have stated time after time their disdain for conservatives. Their plan is to court Democrats and Independents, not conservatives. They take my support and vote for granted. Well, my vote and support depends on whom Senator McCain picks for Vice-President.


Anonymous said...

Why not write in a vote for your boy Mitt?

Steve said...

Can you explain specifically what you mean concerning your second comment? What are you attempting to insinuate?

Anonymous said...

Satire dear Humphrey. Nothing more.

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