Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Welcome aboard. My first blog. My first post. Let me introduce myself.

I am a fifty-year old happily married conservative becoming more and more disgusted with the Republican Party. I consider myself an American, a conservative and a Christian. Why in that order?

First, I am an American because by the grace of God, the United States of America is where I was born and raised. I consider myself fortunate that I attended public schools that taught and reinforced American ideals and patriotism. Secondly, I consider myself a conservative because I have experienced and can bear witness that conservative ideals and philosophy is what makes this country the leader of the free world. Lastly, I am a Christian because I believe in Jesus Christ though there are many times when my behavior does not reflect my beliefs. However, I have witnessed His power when countless others and I prayed for the removal of cancer from my wife. She has now been cancer free for over ten years.

There are several reasons why I started this blog. At the risk of sounding presumptuous, one reason I started this blog to hopefully provide thought provoking information and discussion for anyone who find their way here.

The second reason is to point out that being a Republican is not quite the same as being a conservative. Is that confusing? Well, over time, I hope you will see the difference.

My third reason is based on my belief that that the Republican Party is in serious trouble. There are no leaders. There is no one stating conservative ideals and principles. Basically, it is up to us - the citizens - to start at the grassroot level and once again build a conservative Republican party. So I ask those who find their way here and believe the Republican Party is in dire straits, to begin your own blogs. Help get the word out and rebuild the Republican Party.

Please feel free to copy the URL of this blog and pass it on to your friends and family. Join in discussions. Ask questions. I will not tolerate foul language and I will delete any post containing same. Nor will I tolerate any posts that argue for the sake of arguing. So again, welcome aboard and I hope you enjoy yourself.

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