Saturday, May 31, 2008


Have you seen this video. It was reported on talk radio last week and got some play on FOX News. I don't care what political affilation you are, this should alarm you. The question you have to ask yourself is what are you going to do about it.

Friday, May 30, 2008


I saw this political cartoon today and it made me wonder – not for the first time – when will the citizens of this country begin to understand what is happening.
Recently President Bush – when he visited Saudi Arabia – asked the Saudi’s to produce more oil in order to bring prices down. Asked, requested or begged – it does not matter what word anyone wants to use – he wanted the Saudi’s to do what we – the United States – is unable and unwilling to do. That is
That is why I am upset with the Republican Party. Nobody wants to lead. Nobody wants to take a stand. I get tired of telling people the same thing time after time. We – the United States – have not
built a refinery since 1976. We cannot build nuclear power plants. Eight-five percent of our coastline is off limits for drilling yet the Chinese are drilling right off the Florida straits. We cannot drill in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) yet the sole reason ANWR exists was to drill at a time when the technology would do the least damage to the environment. I could go on. The question now is what group is responsible for our high-energy prices? What group is responsible for our dependency on foreign oil? What group prevents the United States from drilling within our country and building new refineries?
It is the United States Congress!
Look at the political cartoon again. Whatever your feelings or thoughts concerning President Bush, he represents the United States. In essence, the cartoon depicts the United States begging a cartel that funds and supports the very terrorists we are fighting for more oil. It does not matter one bit whether Senator’s McCain, Clinton, or Barack Hussein Obama win in November. One year from now, it will be one of those three – representing the United States of America – on bended knee begging an antagonistic oil cartel for more oil.
You can talk all you want concerning alternative energy sources. However, there is no alternative fuel source to run your vehicle coming on line in the near future. As of this writing, gasoline is already at four dollars a gallon. There is talk of gas being five dollars a gallon by Labor Day and at ten to twelve dollars a gallon by this time next year. Those of you reading this who commutes to work – are you ready for that? Anyone with children – are you ready for your schools ending transportation for all after-school activities? That means you have to transport your children, which means more money out of your wallet for gas. Are you ready for milk that costs four, five, ten dollars a gallon? The cost of everything you consume will go up while your salaries stagnate. Are you ready for that?
There is a solution. You need to call your Congressman and Senators, telling them we – the United States – needs to start drilling now. They work for you, not special interests environmental groups. Get involved! That also means you Republicans! From grass-root organizations to national leaders, stop being milquetoasts! Stand up for America and fight for our energy independence! As a great President once said – if not now, when? Alternatively, do you want future generations of Americans begging at the feet of despots? Demand from Congress –
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